Sunday, September 28, 2008

Newsletter: Teen Matters

This is the latest issue of Teen Matters, a quarterly newsletter (sometimes with a bonus issue) to the constituent base of Wyman Center, Inc., a nonprofit youth development organization based out of St. Louis. You can see all issues in full by visiting I redesigned the organization's existing newsletter almost two years ago, and have designed every issue since (nine issues since spring 2007). Up until this fall (when I moved to Minnesota), I also did all the photography and most of the writing and research.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Appreciation Event Invite

I designed this invitation set for a donor appreciation event last year. It was one of my first experiences using Adobe Illustrator for illustration. I thought it turned out quite nicely!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Postcards: Reminders to Pet Owners

This is a series of postcard templates that I designed for Intravet, a company that provides services to animal hospitals and veterinarians. These postcards are part of a selection their clients choose from when they want to send appointment reminders.

Monday, September 1, 2008


I did this little logo for Parkway Northeast Middle School as part of a campaign they are running to highlight the school's values: responsibility, respect, honesty, integrity and caring.